Since its inception in 2017, D.B Holdings has earned its reputation as a leading Real Estate Development & Management firm in & around Germany. We take pride in ourselves for developing and managing smart buildings, always with a sustainable footprint. Working with a strong team of industry professionals, we have a proven track record in unlocking value in Properties and translating vision to reality. To learn more about our future project, get in touch today.




Research and Reconnaissance generate our deal flow, providing a selection of both on-market and off-market opportunities for us to choose from.
The daily care provided by our local team, coupled with consistent attention to both major and minor issues, makes the difference we aim for.
adding value
Not just Renovations! We invest & upgrade, change use & modify the space. we will cut & polish till we will get the luster out of our gems.
doing good
We promote a better living environment with the intention of doing good. Energy efficiency improvements are high on our agenda as well as elderly care.
We don't just venture into projects, Each Property is being carefully examined prior to closing to ensure we have a diamond in the rough.
We use our team knowledge and experience to inspect the current condition of the property and to lay out a complete 5 year plan for it. setting the road map needed to reach our goals while always evaluating the yield/Risk equation.

A city renowned for its blend of modernity and tradition, faces a critical shortage of residential housing. Addressing this need, we're excited to unveil our newest development project: a collection of innovative residential units designed to cater to the contemporary urban dweller.
Our project promises not just homes, but a lifestyle that combines comfort, convenience, and sustainability.

A Lovely property conveniently located in a highly accessible neighborhood.
We additional residential area are being devolved as we wish to accommodate the ever rising demand for residential units in Essen.
With a population of over 580,000 and a continuous growth in jobs Essen is an easy choice!

Renovation time! this project needed a lot of attention starting from setting new gas pipes, new electricity, heating systems and please don't get us started on the interior...
In order to make it all in a way that would not interfere with the tenants everyday life and ensuring we enable them a comfortable and respectful way of living.
We are upgrading the building one piece at a time. Improving the Energy efficiency of the building, the life quality of the building and the happiness of the tenants and yes also the value of the property.
This Property is in the heart of the old city center of Oberhasuen.
When we saw the old area is starting to be occupied by scaffolding and that the lost glamour is being regained we decided to join the party.
Giving it a new look and making sure all the tenants are happy with their choice to live in our property. we are proud to be a part of this lovely comeback.
Clinics, Commercial, residential, this one has it all.
In order to capitalize on this unique location we choose a different approach, we optimized the usage of the space and targeted different markets. We had to make sure this mix use doesn't turn into mess so each use is limited to a different section of the property.
Completed & Sold
It doesn't matter if you are a soccer fan it is easy too like what we did in this property. parcellation of the property with constant renovations and exterior maintenance are keeping this property at a tip top shape.

Located in Duisburg-Wedau just 10K off Düsseldorf.
An old Cinema is about to regain its glory days and serve the community.
One of a kind Senior living complex in a monumental property.

Herten Old Bakery
Renovations are already in motion.
Improving the quaity of life and ususage for our tenants.
Prepartions are done for a bigger change!
One that will create a positive affect for the surrounding neighborhood.
Mönchengladbach Ground Up development
Collaborating with local professionals to ensure a swift & successful execution of our plans to establish a senior living complex of over 4,181 Sqm.
a much needed solution for the lack of residential solutions for seniors in the evolving city of Mönchengladbach.

What a great place to live!
We teamed up with a local care operator to achieve the optimal outcome for our future tenants.

Location Location Location
Huge Balconies & amazing garden,
Once we are done it will be a tenant dream.
Refurbishing of this lovely property had started.
All with an emphasis on energy efficiency improvements.
Bochum Upgrade

City Center
Mönchengladbach city center is renewing and we must take part in that.
Energy efficiency improvements and a complete upgrade of the property has undergone.
D.B. Holdings Immobilien GmbH
Ruhrorter Str. 55a, 46049 Oberhausen, Germany
+49 0208 3099 5446
HRB 30130
VAT DE319666584